New Maker Yards Christmas Event

Event details

December 14, 2023
Start time:
6:30 pm
Finish Time:
9:00 pm

Seven Brothers, Middlewood Locks

New Maker Yards residents come together for an evening of Chrstimas cheer. Manchester brass band Mr Wilson Second Liners will be bringing the festive fun performing on the canalside leading the fun into Seven Brothers.

Street food brought to you by Event Disco and free mulled wine available in Seven Brothers Middlewood Locks (while stocks last!). Come along for a cosy night of festive fun with friends and neighbours!


Please note, this event is exclusively for New Maker Yards residents only.

Event details

December 14, 2023
Start time:
6:30 pm
Finish Time:
9:00 pm

Seven Brothers, Middlewood Locks

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